Saturday, January 26, 2008

Playhouse Disney Live!

Dean got us tickets to Playhouse Disney. Lola was SO excited to see Mickey Mouse at "Texas Techs." (It was at the auditorium on the Tech campus.) I got her souveniers before the show at the disney store, which she loved. She took her Minnie and Daisy in with her, and when Mickey Mouse was on stage she would hold them up and yell, "Mickey Mouse look at these!!!!!!" I have no idea why she is making that face in the picture above, to me it looks like Dean.
We had another ultrasound Thursday. Everything looks good. The Dr. said that he is big, but he doesn't attribute it to my diabetes. His words were, "he's not chubby, he just has a big head and long legs." The way they estimate the weight is based on head circumference, abdominal circumference, and length of the femur bones. His weight this time was 3 pounds, 12 ounces. No pictures on CD this time - sorry! So far I have not had to take any insulin, I am hoping things continue this way.
Enjoy the pictures!