Lola was born on a Thursday morning. I had spent since the Tuesday night before laboring.......28 hours total. The Sunday before, I couldn't sleep because I was very uncomfortable. I thought maybe I was having contractions. Dean stayed home from work the next morning, and went with me since I already had a doctors appointment scheduled. To my dismay, I was not in labor and had made no "progress." We scheduled induction for Thursday night, April 7th. The doctor said she would probably be born April 8th. (That would put me at 40 weeks, 2 days, with PIH and Gestational Diabetes on insulin, for all my OB nurse friends!!) I will save the rest of the story for later. I will say that what they say about "nesting" is true, because the night that we went into the hospital I had been scrubbing my stove with a toothbrush. Haven't so much done that since.
Monday, March 30, 2009
The Meaning of March
Lola was born on a Thursday morning. I had spent since the Tuesday night before laboring.......28 hours total. The Sunday before, I couldn't sleep because I was very uncomfortable. I thought maybe I was having contractions. Dean stayed home from work the next morning, and went with me since I already had a doctors appointment scheduled. To my dismay, I was not in labor and had made no "progress." We scheduled induction for Thursday night, April 7th. The doctor said she would probably be born April 8th. (That would put me at 40 weeks, 2 days, with PIH and Gestational Diabetes on insulin, for all my OB nurse friends!!) I will save the rest of the story for later. I will say that what they say about "nesting" is true, because the night that we went into the hospital I had been scrubbing my stove with a toothbrush. Haven't so much done that since.
Posted by Anonymous at 9:50 AM 2 comments
Friday, March 27, 2009
Are You Wondering........
What we have been doing? Well, lots of things.
Posted by Anonymous at 10:40 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
March for Babies!
Lola and I will be participating in March for Babies this year, also known as March of Dimes. Because I work on a high-risk OB unit, many of our patients deliver their babies quite early. Some need only a few weeks in NICU, while others stay for months, and a small few never make it home.
Here's a fact sheet on prematurity:
Please consider sponsoring us and the Antepartum Angels team this year!
Posted by Anonymous at 12:02 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
A Moment to Never Forget
Posted by Anonymous at 7:59 PM 0 comments
"I Do It Myself!!"
That is what Deacon would shout at me if he knew the words. When we feed him with a spoon, he grabs onto it for dear life and insists on feeding himself-which is very, very messy with yogurt! Yesterday, I let him have at it. He had to have a bath afterwards!
Posted by Anonymous at 4:39 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Playing Outside......
Posted by Anonymous at 8:42 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
A Conspiracy or Shake Machine Maintenance?
First off, I have three things to say.
1. What you are about to read is some of the randomness that circulates in my brain daily, hourly, etc...
2. I frequently work 7pm-1am, and therefore am left to my own devices at 1am, in my van, husband and kids at home asleep, no phone ringing, no one awake to talk to........
3. I am a chocoholic
Let me tell you something fundamental about milkshakes. Specifically, chocolate milkshakes, because I don't believe I have ever tried or want to try any other kind of milkshake. Milkshakes are not to be consumed casually. They aren't a leisurely beverage that you sip because you need something refreshing. When I drink a milkshake, specifically, a chocolate milkshake, it is out of pure necessity. Why else would I consume, like, 1,000 calories in one sitting? Because I need it!
Last week, I needed chocolate. Badly. I decided in my evil little mind before even leaving work that I was going to stop at (where else at 1 am?) the 24 hour McDonald's that is dangerously close to my residence. Being the calorie counter that I am, I ordered a medium chocolate shake.
Posted by Anonymous at 10:01 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Eleven Months and Taking Steps!
Deacon turned 11 months old today, and to celebrate, he took his first steps! I was only able to catch a little of it in the video above. (Please excuse my annoying screeching in the video!)
Our 11 month old is also babbling a lot more, saying "Lala" and "Mama." He LOVES to play in the kitchen and drag stuff out of the cabinets and drawers. He still claps his hands all the time, and waves "hi" and "bye-bye." I am always afraid to talk about his sleeping patterns, for fear that it will jinx me, but he has been sleeping longer stretches. In the mornings he will crawl up to Lola, lay his head on her, and say "Ohhhhh" like he is hugging her. It's very sweet. He is still a sweet, loveable little baby, but is fast turning into a little boy. We love him so much.
Posted by Anonymous at 10:30 PM 0 comments