This time of year, I am very sentimental. Almost everyday my thoughts go back to what I was doing four years ago and one year ago to get ready for the birth of my kids.
Lola was born on a Thursday morning. I had spent since the Tuesday night before laboring.......28 hours total. The Sunday before, I couldn't sleep because I was very uncomfortable. I thought maybe I was having contractions. Dean stayed home from work the next morning, and went with me since I already had a doctors appointment scheduled. To my dismay, I was not in labor and had made no "progress." We scheduled induction for Thursday night, April 7th. The doctor said she would probably be born April 8th. (That would put me at 40 weeks, 2 days, with PIH and Gestational Diabetes on insulin, for all my OB nurse friends!!) I will save the rest of the story for later. I will say that what they say about "nesting" is true, because the night that we went into the hospital I had been scrubbing my stove with a toothbrush. Haven't so much done that since.
Lola was born on a Thursday morning. I had spent since the Tuesday night before laboring.......28 hours total. The Sunday before, I couldn't sleep because I was very uncomfortable. I thought maybe I was having contractions. Dean stayed home from work the next morning, and went with me since I already had a doctors appointment scheduled. To my dismay, I was not in labor and had made no "progress." We scheduled induction for Thursday night, April 7th. The doctor said she would probably be born April 8th. (That would put me at 40 weeks, 2 days, with PIH and Gestational Diabetes on insulin, for all my OB nurse friends!!) I will save the rest of the story for later. I will say that what they say about "nesting" is true, because the night that we went into the hospital I had been scrubbing my stove with a toothbrush. Haven't so much done that since.
We spent A LOT of time getting her room ready! Dean built the canopy over her bed!
Deacon was born on a Tuesday. The weekend before, we took Lola to Chuck E Cheese and to see "Horton Hears a Who." I was VERY anxious about having another baby, because Lola and I were pretty much BFF, attached at the hip. And I was afraid of losing that. She was very excited to be a sister though, and as we all know it was a little rocky at first but we have settled into life with 2 kids. We spent the rest of those few days cleaning the house and getting all the baby clothes washed, and baby equipment out of the garage and set up in the house. We knew we would be going in on Tuesday, April 1st for induction. Dean and I, and a few people at work (for scheduling purposes) were the only ones who seems a little selfish to do it that way, but we wanted it to be just us and the new baby, and we wanted it to be a surprise. Most people thought it was an April fool's joke!
Four years ago today, I was driving down the road, waiting to hear any kind of new news on Lola's arrival.
When she finally arrived, I was driving up I 84 and had just crossed into Idaho in my big truck, heading up to Oregon.
The great news of her birth, and the beautiful scenery passing outside my window silenced me for a moment, and then I began to thank God.
That whole week was filled with the joy of a new baby in the family, and also with prayers for you guys as new parents, and for Lola's health.
One year ago today, your mom was staying with me, and we were hanging out after work when we got the text message from Dean telling us that Deacon had arrived, and what his name was going to be.
The look on your mom's face was priceless, and we were both SO EXCITED for the newest member of the family making his entrance.
I love that Lola gets to be a big sister to such a handsome little man. Being a big sister is fun, yet hard work (as you well know) and she is definitely made for it!
Happy happy 1st and 4th birthday to your wonderful, beautiful, sweet children, and my favorite babies!
Even though they are my second cousins, their Aunt Leslie will always love them very very much!
I can't wait to see them this weekend!
By the way...Thanks for having them so close to my birthday too! LOL!
I know it wasn't planned that way, but I'm proud to share those ten days between the three of us with the sweetest kids EVER!
Love y'all tons, and see you Saturday!
Oh gosh, yall are making me cry...I need to get up and dab my eyes before I look like Tammy Faye!
Mom, Nana K, AK
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