Is 19 months old today?
Deacon is!
Since we were sick from mid-September until mid-October, his 18-month well check was a little late. He is growing and developing very well. He weighs 27 pounds and was 80th percentile for height. He says over 30 words, some of which are "ball" "vroom-vroom" "mama" "dada" "lala" "swing" "juice" etc........ He can point to many of his body parts, including tummy, head, eyes, ears, nose, teeth, tongue, etc. He is facinated with transportation. He loves to go outside and touch Dean's car. If he is upset we can put car racing on the TV or computer and he immediately perks up and says "VROOM VROOOOOM!!!" Two of his favorite words the last month have become "no" and "mine," so two's here we come! Occasionally he will hit or bite, then turn around and give kisses to the person he just hurt. It's hilarious. He hates for his feet to be cold and will ask for socks or "ockhhhssss." He eats ALL THE TIME. This week he figured out that he could drag the step-stool to the pantry and look for what he wants. He is very attached to his sister and they play well together most of the time. We love you Deacon!
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
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