Sunday, October 28, 2007

......And then he ran out. And, then, fast as a fox, The Cat in the Hat came back in with a box.
A big red wood box. It was shut with a hook. "Now look at this trick", said the cat. "Take a look!"
Then he got up on top with a tip of his hat. "I call this game FUN-IN-A-BOX," said the cat. "In this box are two things I will show to you now. You will like these two things," said the cat with a bow.
"I will pick up the hook. You will see something new. Two things. And I call them Thing One and Thing Two. These Things will not bite you. They want to have fun"
Then out of the box

Came Thing Two...

And Thing One!

And they ran to us fast. They said, "How do you do? Would you like to shake hands with Thing One and Thing Two?

.....Then Sally and I saw them run down the hall. We saw those two Things bump their kites on the wall! Bump! Thump! Thump! Bump! Down the wall in the hall..............Then those Things ran about with big bumps, jumps and kicks, and with hops and big thumps and all kinds of bad tricks.

..........So, as fast as I could, I went after my net. And I said, "With my net I can get them I bet. I bet, with my net, I can get those Things yet!" Then I let down my net. It came down with a PLOP! And I had them. At last! Those two Things had to stop. Then I said to the cat, "Now you do as I say. you pack up those Things, and you take them away!"

Then he shut up the Things in the box with the hook. And the cat went away with a sad kind of look.