I think I mentioned before that Lola would be going to Dallas for her "Spring Break" from preschool. She was excited to take her suitcase on a trip for the first time! Saturday we met Dean's family in Abilene and stayed the night, which Lola loved. She loves hotels. And having grandparents, aunts, and uncles to play with and boss around.
While Lola was gone we did a lot of work around the house, both got sick, slept, and ate out a lot. It was great. It was weird to pick up and leave the house and do what we wanted. It probably will never happen again, either, (until we are in our late 40's) so good thing we enjoyed it while it lasted! We did some cute stuff to the kids' room. I will post pictures eventually.
Lola came back Friday night, and has been sick ever since. Her behavior was CRAZY on Saturday and Sunday at church, and she started running fever Sunday afternoon. Tuesday we went to the Dr. and she has a double ear infection (the right side was red and bulging) and strep throat. She started on antibiotics that day, but continued to run fever through today, which means she has to miss preschool again tomorrow. She also got an upset stomach from her medicine today. She woke up during the night last night asking for a step-stool so that she could turn on her bedroom light and "play quietly." I got up and felt of her and she was burning up! Her temp. was 102.7, but she had all this energy that she had to get out. We were awake for about 1 1/2 hours, and then slept in the guestroom together until 11:30. I really thought she was better after that, but she ran more fever and was sick to her stomach this afternoon. Tonight she finally seemed to want to eat a little bit more, so maybe she is turning a corner. Please pray for her to get well. I can't remember her being this sick since she was a baby. Thanks!
Father God touch Lola today and send healing to her throat and ears.
Lola is good natured and happy even when she is sick.
We are praying for you daily and for a great delivery.
Love to all,
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