Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I was tagged by Denise!
(I actually started this a week ago. Sorry. I'm a little behind.)

8 Things About Me

8 TV Shows I Watch
1. Jon & Kate Plus 8
2. Desperate Housewives
3. Dancing With the Stars
4. Brothers and Sisters
5. Eli Stone
6. Grey's Anatomy
7. Private Practice
8. The Colbert Report

8 Favorite Restaurants

1. Sonic
2. Taco Bueno
3. Chick Fil-A
4. Savannah's (hole in the wall in Levelland)
5. China Sun (Plano, TX)
6. The Cracker Barrell
7. Patrizio's (Plano)
8. The Cheesecake Factory

8 Things That Happened Today

1. Went grocery shopping, if 1 am counts as today
2. Dropped Lola off at preschool
3. Took a shower (this is big for me, doesn't happen every day)
4. Got fingerprinted so I can renew my nursing license
5. Had lunch with Dean
6. Read some blogs
7. Went to Hobby Lobby
8. Went to the Bank

8 Things I Look Forward To

1. Uninterrupted Sleep (Hasn't happened in almost 8 months)
2. Christmas
3. Thanksgiving
4. Valentine's Day
5. Halloween
6. New Years
7. Watching my kids grow up
8. Vacation next year for our anniversary
8 Things I Wish For

1. My kids to stay little
2. A Nintendo DS
3. My kids to grow up knowing God.
4. To live out in the country
5. To buy a house in the next few years with lots and lots of square feet
6. My Christmas decorations to magically finish putting themselves up
7. My house to clean itself
8. To sleep all night tonight
8 People I Tag
1. Leslie
2. Dana
3. Bailey
4. Michelle C.
5. Lauren
6. Anyone else who reads this and has a blog - most of my blog friends have already done this!